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Down South Sass Header

Thursday, December 18, 2014

What it really means to be Southern

I can't even tell you how many times someone has told me to start a blog.
Generally, I just pass it off as a polite way of getting me to shut up and go away but apparently... I was wrong. (Despite what I tell my husband... this HAS happened before)

For years I toyed with the idea of writing a blog. 
I mean... I tend to find my thoughts and interests fascinating and others seem to find me humorous—is there a better combo when it comes to a Blogger? I think not! -- Except for the fact that I am INFAMOUS for starting things that I never finish. Hence my short lived violin career, the time I tried to work at Victoria’s Secret, and that week that I swore I was going to teach myself to love running. Okay, it was 3 days – but at least I thought about it. I’m convinced that in the end the thought will actually help. Like, just because running crossed my mind back in 2012 it means I am less likely to die from some “poor-health” related affliction.
Oh, and did I mention I get off topic easily?

**And as a forewarning of those of you testing my Blogging chops by test reading this little entry—it took me three tries to write that paragraph without the F word. I like to curse. It happens. I will try to control it as best I can but sometimes there just is no substitute for a well place 4-letter expletive. And no one said this thing had to be family friendly, right?

(getting myself back on track... shiny objects... music playing.. "Do you wanna build a snowman?"... Focus! Focus, Joanna!!)

Now that my life (and my career) have taken yet another turn -- I thought "What's stopping you, Joanna?" (and yes, I speak to myself in the 3rd person. I find it motivating and somewhat soothing)
So. Here we go.
Let's start with something simple... a little something about Me! (My husband will likely disagree with me classifying myself as "simple" -- but I really don't think I'm that complicated.)
And an insight into why I chose to name this blog "Down South Sass"

My name is Joanna-- as most, if not all of you know.
I grew up in Southwest Virginia. (I won't give details just in case one of you is a psycho stalker.)
I learned everything there. How to ride a bike. How to break the rules. How to break the rules and not get caught. How to get out of trouble when you get caught breaking the rules.
Lets just say I had a well educated upbringing.

But the most important thing I learned there is the true meaning of being "Southern"
It is not just about the "ma'am" and the "y'all"-- and forget about the cowboy boots and 10-gallon hats. If someone owns one of those and DOESN'T live on a farm or ranch... then they just want to APPEAR Southern. I'm not hating. I own some CUTE ASS cowgirl boots but I don't pretend that those make me Southern.
Being Southern means you're real.
Real Sassy.
Real Bitchy.
Real Classy.
Real Drunk....
but always real.
People may not like it or agree with it. But... Who Cares?
What you see (in my case, what you hear) is what you get!

Don't get me wrong-- being Southern does NOT give you an excuse to be rude or hateful.
(Although, I have been called both)
It's still involves having manners and saying "Please" "Thank You" and "Bless Your Heart"-- but it has nothing to do with where you grew up, the number of Alabama Football games you've been to, or whether or not your great-great-grandfather fought for the South in the Civil War. (Newsflash! They lost! Its nothing to brag about!)

The whole point of this rant (and eventual History lesson) is that everyone can learn a little bit from us Southerners.
Why would you want to live your life being anything other than real?
Don't live each day to please other people or make other people happy. It is YOUR life! And at the end of it, you can either look back and smile at the fact that you lived it fully and made yourself happy... OR you can have regrets.
"I wish I had told him/her how I feel!"
"I wish I had gone to (fill in the blank) when I had the chance!"
Should've. Could've. Would've.
Believe me. That's not how I plan to look back on my life and you shouldn't either.
So be Real. Whatever that means to you. It is your choice and your life.

With Love, 

Stay Tuned:
For more of my thoughts, ideas and general life lessons.
Shoot me some comments if you have any ideas or want me to comment on something in particular. I'm easily persuaded.


  1. Love :) I can't wait to read the next!

  2. Love :) I can't wait to read the next!

  3. Nice job. Do you watch Party Down South on CMT? All sorts of southern people on there. I keep thinking - hey, he's just like this guy from high school!

  4. Yay! I'm thrilled you started this :) I had a blog for years, but I haven't written on it in ages. If you ever get bored....

    BTW...this is TMB.

    1. TMB! I should totally read up on your blog!
      I was also thinking about having you write a guest piece about raising "Fur Babies" as opposed to regular human babies--- howabout it? ;)
